About Me

Or how I learned to stop caring about Python and love the HTML

Who Am I?

I am The Ranting Macrophage, well that's not my real name, just my screen name. Anyways, I am a Youtuber, a small one at that. I barely upload and never concistantly, my new passion is HTML. Why? I dunno, I just think it's neat and also I really liked Google Sites. I used to learn Python, but then I quit because I could learn only so little and I couldn't make anything. If you like my CSS-basic, beginner HTML then email me at: hasupcgamer@gmail.com

Facts about me:

  1. I love Art Deco
  2. I don't care about holidays
  3. Horisontal lines are amazing
  4. I believe Windows 7 is better than Windows 10 and always will be
  5. I like Warhammer 40k



My channel